Online music
production skills via interactive
learning in under three months.
From amateur to
professional in
music production

The Course

Structure of the course
Over the course you will be taught a total of 108 hours in 3 months of real-time classroom lessons - of which 36 hours will consist of practical exercises. This will be supported by detailed feedback and delivery of educational & practical material, as well as reading resources.
Real people,
real results

Got a question?
Our course is composed of 3 hours evening classes 3 times per week. Everything is online - live and in real-time. Classes usually take place from Tuesday to Thursday.
Our course is a professional training course that takes you from amateur level to industry standard. It is ideal for someone who is a beginner or is approaching music production for the first time. If you're an intermediate student, this course will help you get rid of bad habits and provide your workflow with a clear structure.
There are 2 intakes per year, which start in February and September. Our classes are small with a maximum of 10 spaces for each intake. We recommend getting in touch as soon as you can, given that our courses are usually in demand in advance of the application. The deadline is usually 2 weeks before the start of the course, but we may consider later applications depending on availability.
Yes. To follow the lessons and complete practical exercises - as well as for your independent learning - you will need to have access to Ableton Live 11 (minimum Standard edition) and a MIDI keyboard. Ableton currently offers a trial period for the Suite edition for 90 days (3 months). Visit the link in the course section for more info.
Once you apply for the course, you will be taken to the check out area. Here you can decide if you want to pay fully up front or in 3 installments. You can also pay by bank transfer. You'll find all the details at check out.
Yes. At the end of the course you will receive a certificate stating the completion of the course. However, LIM is not accredited by any university or higher education programme. It’s a strictly practical training.